A Restored Tooth Needs Daily Care and Good Oral Hygiene

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Having a tooth treated or restored by a dental bridge, dental crown, or dental implant restoration will effectively provide you with a functional piece of dental work that is immune to a future incidence of tooth decay. Yet you shouldn’t let this lull you into assuming the restored tooth doesn’t require good oral hygiene practices.

Just like your natural teeth, you should still continue to brush your dental work each morning and night, followed by flossing at least once each day. This consistent habit will help to remove plaque, sugar residue and residual food matter before they can harden into tartar. This will significantly reduce your chances of suffering from periodontal disease and cavities on the surrounding teeth.

If you are having trouble clean some aspect of your dental work, you might want to try using a small interdental brush, floss threader, or a dental water flosser device. These simple oral hygiene tools can help you clean hard to reach places.

You might also want to try a dental water flosser like Waterpik® to help clean away bacterial deposits from your teeth and dental work. These devices are designed to create a concentrated jet of water that can be targeted to a specific area in your mouth. This can help clean food debris from the gumline and places that are hard for your toothbrush to reach.

If you find that you’re struggling to insert a strand of dental floss around your dental work, you might want to try using a floss threader. It can help work the strand into place without risk of snapping the dental floss into your gums.  

If you had a tooth restored at Dr. Christopher Hall’s dental offices in Bozeman, Montana, and you have an oral hygiene question, you can always call 406-586-2117 to speak to one of the staff members at Hays Dental Group, LLC.