Plaque: What Is It?

Have you noticed a substance that may build up along your gumline and teeth? Does it typically come off when you brush, floss or if you scrape it gently? It could be a colorless, sticky film of bacteria and sugars known as plaque, which is continually forming on your teeth. Your mouth is the natural home to many kinds of... read more »

Food Your Teeth Can Love

Everyone probably knows that some foods can be bad for your teeth. In your growing up years, were you ever warned not to eat too many sweet things or your teeth would rot? Or that you should drink lots of milk so you can have strong bones? We want to make sure that you also know that there are some... read more »

Dental Health Tips for Cold & Flu Season

Autumn is here, and getting cold. That means cold and flu season is on its way. Health disorders like the cold and flu can actually influence your oral health. The bacteria or virus that caused your illness can spread to your mouth and weaken its defenses. Here’s what you can do to fight back: Vomiting causes acid to spread throughout... read more »